Saturday, September 27, 2008

Strawberry Shortcake

So the week went splendidly. The homestretch was the mousse cake we had three weeks to prepare for. I turned over idea after idea in my head searching for the right flavor combinations. Which sponge cake to use? What mousse am I sure will set up in the three hour timed allotment? Yes, I did lose sleep over it. I think we all did. Pracitals are stressful and this was our own inflicted misery. No chef to tell you what to do, it was all on our shoulders. A new and exciting venture on our own. I settled on a play on strawberry shortcake. Layers of bavarian cream sandwiched between a ladyfinger sponge cake and fresh strawberries. It turned out beautifully and just as I had envisioned it. Although I couldn't even eat it (the whole gelatin, vegetarian thing again) I was more proud of that cake than anything I have done here. When it was my turn to bring it to the chef to be graded I was so confident. I can't explain the feeling of going to the chef with a product, you are either fixated on its flaws and scared to death (which is mostly how I have felt every week.) But to present something you have created from idea to completion and to be proud of it is amazing. The chantilly on the day was the chef was proud of me too.

1 comment:

Stef said...

Oh...this was WONDERFUL!! I almost forgot about it!